How to Use Vue With HTML Tables

Mar 10, 2021

Vue makes it very easy to use tables in your projects because of its list rendering functionality. With a few lines of HTML and a v-for loop, you can create a table with one row for every element in an array. For vue to print each row of the table, you must put the v-for in the tr tag of the table. From there, you add the data elements from the array you will be looping over in each td tag as shown below:

<script src=""></script>
<div id="example">
  template: `
  <table class="table">
        <th scope="col">Country</th>
        <th scope="col">Value</th>
      <tr v-for="name in info" :key="name.Country">
  data() {
    return {
      info: [
        { Country: "United States", Value: "12394" },
        { Country: "Russia", Value: "6148" },
        { Country: "Germany (FRG)", Value: "1653" },
        { Country: "France", Value: "2162" },
        { Country: "United Kingdom", Value: "1214" },
        { Country: "China", Value: "1131" },
        { Country: "Spain", Value: "814" },
        { Country: "Netherlands", Value: "1167" },
        { Country: "Italy", Value: "660" },
        { Country: "Israel", Value: "1263" }

Variable Columns

Suppose you don't know the column names ahead of time. You can use Object.keys() to iterate through the object keys and create the columns using v-for.

<div id="example"></div>
    template: `
    <table class="table">
          <th scope="col" v-for="column in columnNames">{{column}}</th>
        <tr v-for="row in info" :key="row.Country">
          <td v-for="column in columnNames">{{row[column]}}</td>
    computed: {
      columnNames: function() {
        const names = new Set();
        for (const row of {
          for (const key of Object.keys(row)) {
        return names;
    data() {
      return {
        info: [
          { Country: "United States", Value: "12394" },
          { Country: "Russia", Value: "6148" },
          { Country: "Germany (FRG)", Value: "1653" },
          { Country: "France", Value: "2162" },
          { Country: "United Kingdom", Value: "1214" },
          { Country: "China", Value: "1131" },
          { Country: "Spain", Value: "814" },
          { Country: "Netherlands", Value: "1167" },
          { Country: "Italy", Value: "660" },
          { Country: "Israel", Value: "1263" }

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