Best Books to Learn Vue in 2023

Feb 12, 2021

Vue is a powerful and flexible frontend framework that we think every JavaScript developer should know. We recommend Vue over frameworks like React and Angular 2 for most applications. Here's a couple of reasons why:

  1. Easy to get started: Vue supports vanilla JavaScript and HTML, which means you can load Vue from a CDN and start using it in your HTML pages without any compilation step. For more sophisticated apps, the Vue CLI makes it easy to get started.
  2. Delightfully portable: Because of Vue's variety of syntaxes, support for Node.js, and excellent server side rendering support, Vue is flexible enough to handle almost any use case. Vue isn't just for standard single page applications! We use Vue as a templating language for HTML emails, as a minimal static site generator, and for drawing SVG graphics.
  3. Data binding done right: Vue 3 uses proxies to make it so that vanilla JavaScript assignments, like this.message = 'Hello', propagate automatically to the DOM. The Vue 3 composition API, with provide() and inject(), makes prop drilling obsolete. In other words, state management comes built-in: no need to install and maintain dozens of conflicting packages.
  4. Amazing community: Vue is an independent project maintained by a community of open source developers. There's also vibrant ecosystem of open source projects built around Vue, like Vuex and Vitepress.

Without further ado, here are the best books to learn Vue.js:

Best Overall: Fullstack Vue: The Complete Guide to Vue.js

Fullstack Vue is a tutorial-driven book that walks you through building a "Upvote" app similar to Reddit. It introduces Vue via the CDN approach, but quickly switches to single file components and Vuex.

We strongly recommend this book because it covers everything you need to know to build a modern app in Vue, including best practices for server communication. This book offers a fairly opinionated view of how you should build Vue apps: using Vue CLI, Vuex, and single file components. It doesn't cover every common approach to building Vue apps, but it covers one approach very well. That makes it a good choice both for beginners looking to get started with minimal yak-shaving, and advanced developers looking to expand their skills or fill any gaps in their knowledge.

Best for Beginners: Getting to Know Vue.js: Learn to Build Single Page Applications in Vue from Scratch

Getting to Know Vue.js is the right choice for beginners with minimal programming experience. One major advantage is that Getting to Know Vue.js goes into detail about using Chrome DevTools and how you can debug your Vue apps with Chrome DevTools.

This book also spends a lot of pages covering basic topics, like event emitters and conditional rendering, that more advanced books may gloss over. However, people who are just learning web development will benefit from going into more depth on these topics, which are useful for learning other JavaScript frameworks.

Best for Advanced Developers and Architects: Vue.js in Action

Vue.js in Action can serve as a basic introduction to Vue, especially if you're used to Manning's books. However, where Vue.js in Action really stands out is its chapters on animations, extensibility, and server communication. This book is unique in that it covers custom directives, JSX, Nuxt.js, and several other advanced features that technical architects should know about.

Unlike Fullstack Vue, Vue.js in Action takes the extra pages to introduce you to numerous tradeoffs in architecting Vue apps. This extra information might not be useful if you're just looking to build a Vue app, but it is useful if you want to be informed about the different ways you could build a Vue app.

Vue School has some of our favorite Vue video courses. Their Vue.js Master Class walks you through building a real world application, and does a great job of teaching you how to integrate Vue with Firebase. Check it out!

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