Understand valueOf() in JavaScript

Apr 30, 2019

The valueOf() function is a special function on all JavaScript objects. According to the Mozilla docs, the valueOf() function "returns the primitive value of the specified object." There are 6 primitive types in JavaScript:

The valueOf() function should return a value whose typeof is one of the above types. Here's what valueOf() returns for 3 common JavaScript classes: String, Number, and Date. String#valueOf() and Number#valueOf() "unbox" the object and give you the corresponding primitive string or number. Date#valueOf() gives you the JavaScript timestamp.

const s = new String('test');
typeof s; // 'object'
s.valueOf(); // 'test'
typeof s.valueOf(); // 'string'

const n = new Number(42);
n.valueOf(); // 42

const d = new Date('2019-06-01');
d.valueOf(); // 1559347200000

JavaScript uses the valueOf() function for type coercion when comparing values using the operators == (as opposed to ===), <, >, <=, and >=. For example, here is the part of the JavaScript language specification that discusses using valueOf() for the < operator.

Suppose you have an object whose valueOf() always returns 0. As far as the < and == operators are concerned, this object is equivalent to the primitive number 0. However, for ==, this object is not equivalent to new Number(0), because JavaScript does not call valueOf() when using == to compare two objects.

class MyClass {
  valueOf() {
    return 0;

const obj = new MyClass();

// For the purposes of `<`, `>`, `>=` and `<=`, `obj` is
// equivalent to 0.
obj < new Number(-1); // false
obj > new Number(-1); // true
obj < -1; // false
obj > -1; // true

// For the purposes of `==`, `obj` is equivalent to 0 as a primitive,
// but not 0 as a Number object. This is because both `obj` and
// `new Number(0)` are objects, so JS does not call `valueOf()`.
obj == new Number(0); // false
obj == 0; // true
0 == obj; // true

// `===` skips calling `valueOf()`.
obj === Number(0); // false

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