How to Remove the Last Character from a String in JavaScript

Nov 12, 2021

To remove the last character from a string in JavaScript, you should use the slice() method. It takes two arguments: the start index and the end index. slice() supports negative indexing, which means that slice(0, -1) is equivalent to slice(0, str.length - 1).

let str = 'Masteringjs.ioF';
str.slice(0, -1); //

Alternative Methods

slice() is generally easier, however other methods available are substring() and replace(). substring() does not have negative indexing, so be sure to use str.length - 1 when removing the last character from the string. replace() takes either a string or a regular expression as its pattern argument. Using /.$/ as the regular expression argument matches the last character of the string, so .replace(/.$/, '') replaces the last character of the string with an empty string.

let str = 'Masteringjs.ioF';
str.substring(0, str.length - 1); //
str.substr(0, str.length - 1); //
str.replace(/.$/, ''); //

Advanced Features

With replace(), you can specify if the last character should be removed depending on what it is with a regular expression. For example, suppose you want to remove the last character only if the last character is a number. You can use .replace(/\d$/, '') as shown below.

// For a number, use \d$.
let str = 'Masteringjs.io0';
str.replace(/\d$/, ''); //

let str2 = 'Masteringjs.io0F';
// If the last character is not a number, it will not replace.
str.replace(/\d$/, ''); // Masteringjs.io0F;

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