What is a JavaScript Expression?

Jul 22, 2019

JavaScript's language syntax distinguishes between expressions and statements. These two concepts are subtly different, and you need to understand the difference if you want to understand frameworks like Vue.

In general, an expression is a snippet of code that evaluates to a value. A statement is a snippet of code that performs an action. Wherever JavaScript expects a statement, you can write an expression. But the opposite isn't true: if a framework or the JavaScript runtime expects an expression, you cannot use a statement.

The below code snippets are all expressions. They all evaluate to a value.

0 // 0

1 + 1 // 2

'Hello' + ' ' + 'World' // 'Hello World'

{ answer: 42 } // { answer: 42 }

Object.assign({}, { answer: 42 }) // { answer: 42 }

answer !== 42 ? 42 : answer // 42

answer = 42 // 42

The below snippets are all statements. They do not evaluate to a value.

// `if` statement
if (answer !== 42) { answer = 42 }
// `for` is a statement
for (;;) { console.log('Hello, World'); }
// Declaring a variable is a statement
let answer = 42

Function Arguments

When you call a JavaScript function, all the arguments must be expressions, not statements.

function print(v) {

print('Hello, World'); // OK
print(true ? 'Hello, World' : null); // OK

print(if (true) { 'Hello, World' }); // SyntaxError: Unexpected token if

A handy way to distinguish whether a code snippet is a statement or an expression is to think about whether you could pass the code snippet as a parameter to console.log().

You may see code that relies on the fact that assigning a value to a variable is an expression, but declaring a variable is a statement. In other words, you can pass an assignment as a parameter to a function, as long as you already declared the variable.

let answer;
console.log(answer = 42); // 42
answer; // 42

// SyntaxError
console.log(let value = 1);

Immediately Invoked Function Expressions (IIFEs)

In JavaScript, function definitions are expressions.

console.log(function() {}); // '[Function]'

There is also the notion of an invocation expression. Calling a function is an expression:

const getAnswer = function getAnswer() { return 42 };

console.log(getAnswer()); // '42'

However, things get confusing when you attempt to call a function at the same time as declaring it.

// SyntaxError
function getAnswer() { return 42 }();

That's because certain snippets can be expressions or statements depending on context. For example function getAnswer() { return 42; } is an expression when it is on the right hand side of an assignment, but a statement when it is at the start of a file.

The workaround is to wrap function getAnswer() { return 42 } in parentheses. Parenthesis, also known as the grouping operator, make JavaScript attempt to treat what is in the parentheses as an expression.

// 42
(function getAnswer() { return 42 })();

The pattern of wrapping a function in parentheses to call it immediately is known as an "immediately invoked function expressions," or "IIFE" for short.

In Vue

Frontend frameworks like Vue allow you to bind HTML values to JavaScript expressions. Vue bindings must contain exactly one expression.

const app = new Vue({
  data: () => ({ answer: null }),
  template: `
      {{answer = 42}}

If you use a statement instead of an expression, Vue will throw a template compilation error.

const app = new Vue({
  data: () => ({}),
  // Will throw a "Error compiling template" error
  template: `
      {{let answer = 42}}

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