Conditionally Add an Object to an Array in JavaScript

Nov 15, 2022

To conditionally add an object to an array in JavaScript, you can use if in combination with push() or concat().

const array = [{ name: 'Test' }, { name: 'John' }];
if (array.length < 5) {
  array.push({ name: 'pass' });

let array2 = [{ name: 'Test' }, { name: 'John' }];
if (array2.length < 5) {
  array2 = array2.concat([{ name: 'pass' }]);

Immutable Patterns with Spread Operator

If you are using immutable patterns, use the spread operator with the ternary operator.

let array2 = [{ name: 'Test' }, { name: 'John' }];

array2 = [
  // If `array2.length < 5`, add element to array. Otherwise add nothing.
  ...(array2.length < 5 ? [{ name: 'pass' }] : [])

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